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The Introvert’s Guide To Starting an Online Business
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Have you been considering starting an online business and blog but aren’t sure you can do it because you’re shy, not that confident, and basically a full fledged introvert? Well, duh, of course you are.
Most online business owners are introverts and started their business the same way you’re about to start yours – without a ton of confidence, and that’s okay to do. being an introvert is not something to be ashamed of. Being introverted provides you with unique skills and insights that extroverts just don’t have. An extrovert might be more natural at the sales stuff, but introverts have more understanding of why people buy things. They’re more intuitive and have a perspective on situations that gives them a unique edge. So, if your an introvert and contemplating starting a blog and online business – here is your guide to starting.
You Can Do It!
Don’t confuse business owner’s for extroverted people. It’s quite the contrary. Many business owners are self-interested individuals who are simply self-motivated and purpose driven. Far too often, introverts see others as extroverted, but don’t realize that those people are introverts who are just being brave at the moment.
Let me derail and provide an example of what I mean: I have been accused of being extroverted, but those who truly know me, know that this is far from the truth. I have simply learned to put on a special outgoing persona when it’s needed, and it is exhausting. Networking when I am alone is hard, because I am not particularly interested in communicating with people. I am far better on my own, with the ones I love, spending time doing things that feed my purpose. Sound Familiar? That said, networking when I am with someone is a breeze. It’s not that I latch on to them for support either. I do better networking when I show up with a partner because I suddenly become more self-motivated to show my partner how I can network well. My purpose at that moment becomes less about communicating with other people and becomes almost solely about me proving something. I know this sounds grossly narcissistic, but the truth is, being an introvert naturally makes you more self-aware. I just happen to be aware that my motives change when I am around friends and people I care about.
The point is that being introverted is not a crutch you bare when you want to start a business. It means you see things from a unique and personal perspective, that you don’t seek approval from people as much as you seek to communicate approval to yourself and for yourself. The fact that you’re reading this likely means you want to reflect some more on wether you believe in yourself and your business ideas. This type of inner reflection provides you with a much deeper understanding of who you are and what you want from starting a business.
Understanding YOUR purpose for starting a business will keep you motivated to succeed (for yourself and not for others). Once you have the answers you are looking for, you’ll realize that you, indeed, can do this!
What Are Your Strengths, Exactly?
As an introvert, you probably ask yourself this question often: “But, what do I have to offer?”
The answer is that you have skills, you just need to recognize those skills and build your confidence and finding your true passion.
You can build up your confidence by first, taking a moment to write down the things you do well. What are your strengths? Many introverts have common skill set and most of them are centered around working well alone. Like being a web designer, a writer, or an artist. However, some of the skills surround complex thinking and critical thinking, which can make you really great at helping and supporting others.
So, take a moment to write down those skills and realize that when starting a business, being self-reliant and supportive not only makes you a great human, but you also have great potential to be an awesome manager and business owner.
Start A Blog
It’s tough for introverts to put themselves out there. Starting a blog might seem like an extremely vulnerable thing to do, but it’s a stepping stone. It will help you to express yourself in ways you never imagined. You will start to make connections with people and start sharing your skills with people who find value in them.
Starting a blog is not for everyone because it is so personal, but it is a great place to start and you’d be surprised at how many people you meet online that are just like you. So, think about those skills you wrote down. Which one will make you happy to do everyday? Determine what you might want to share with the world and begin your journey into an online business with the start of a blog.
Start a blog – the ultimate beginner’s guide #blog
— Kayla Marie (@ivorymix) May 4, 2016
Join Online Forums and Facebook Groups for Like-Minded People
It’s no surprise that introverts are not that social. The good news is that having an online business is not the same as having a business in a “brick and mortar” setting. You don’t really need to be social. We’ll, you don’t need to be social in the traditional sense. Meeting people online is easier than ever, and one of the best ways to meet clients is through forums and Facebook groups.
As an introvert starting a blog and online business, it would be one of your best decisions to join at least one Facebook group that would have members interested in your topic, products, or services. You can interact with members while also creating relationships and sharing the value that your blog or business might have to offer them.
Here’s a short list of Facebook Groups:
Rymixer’s Club (Hosted by
Market Your Stuff
Once you’ve got your blog set up, you’ll want to start sharing and marketing your articles and services on social media. Like Facebook groups, social media is an easy place for introverts to find new potential customers. There’s no face-to-face sales pitches needed. Simply be genuine and remain visible to your potential customers.
The idea is that you want to keep your blog and business in the forefront of your potential customers mind as much as possible. So, staying active on social media as a marketing technique would be one of the best ways an introvert can accomplish this. All that’s needed is a consistent marketing message and a great looking brand and logo.
A photo posted by K a y l a B u t l e r ☕ (@the_ivorymix) on
Build a Supportive Community
Introverts are typically nurturing and caring individuals who are capable of empathizing with others on a whole new level. Being supportive is just what they do. So, creating a unique customer experience with your business should be easy. Find ways you can support your customers and their questions with a fun and unique FAQ page. Make sure they hear directly from you too, because you are the reason they are there. One fun way is to send personal emails of thanks to your customers.
Are you selling a service or a product that your customers want to chat about for ongoing support? Consider starting a Facebook group for your community and really showcase your caring and supportive side. This type of genuine business practice is what makes customers come back and share with their friends.
Go and Get Started
Don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back. If you’re an introvert, you CAN succeed in business. Like anything, it takes some work, but your introversion is not a hindrance – its a skill you should take full advantage of when starting your blog and business.
If you want to learn how to start a blog, you can read more here about the easy steps it takes. Need more support? Consider joining the Ivorymix Facebook club on Facebook, where supportive bloggers just like you are there to help and support you.

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This is so helpful, Kayla! The recent #imperfectboss campaign also showed that many biz owners (even those earning 6 figures) have doubts, fights and they had to step over their own shadows. Being an introvert can feel a little like being an imposter. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and tips!
This is so true! I am an introvert myself but I’m often labeled as an extrovert by people who don’t know me that well. I felt like that example you wrote was about myself! Introverts can also be social and great bloggers we just have to work on different problems on the way there than extroverts do. But we can do it!