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12 Questions to help you find clarity in life as a content creator

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12 questions for more clarity in life and business

I challenge you to JOURNAL THIS ???? to help get yourself back into alignment with whatever you are struggling with.

You can use this to help you with your business or in your life in general. This is MY FAVORITE exercise to do when I’m feeling overwhelmed.

When we feel clarity, we experience so much more :

1️⃣ energy
2️⃣ confidence
3️⃣ happiness
4️⃣ gratitude
5️⃣ success

???? sounds amazing right? Plus, if I’m being honest here… What better way to start next week than to have a CLEAR mind and strong purpose?

So ➡️ SAVE THIS POST and let’s get to work on making this an amazingly productive and well-aligned time in your life.

Shall we ????‍♀️ Who’s in? Let’s get started:

12 Questions to help you find clarity in life and in business

1. What would make me happy right now?

Don’t worry about tomorrow, next week, month, or next year. Take some time to identify some simple things that will bring you happiness right now.

Creating more joy and happiness around you will help to clear your head and give you the ability to see things through different eyes.

2. What’s draining my energy?

Last month, I had a lightbulb moment when I realized that organizing my to-do list and keeping up on the tasks was draining me. Just looking at the list of things I needed to do was killing my momentum. So, I implemented a few new things: I asked my assistant to manage tasks on day-to-day like a project manager and now I only focus on getting one thing done each day. Of course, I get more done, but I don’t allow myself the time to create lists that feel daunting.

3. What do I want to learn more about?

Sometimes, when we focus more on consuming rather than creating, we spark creativity inside of us. Take a break and consider some things you want to learn and focus on consuming that content to inspire you, rather than trying to force the new ideas.

4. Who are 3 people I admire? Why?

Spend some time identifying people you admire and why. This will give you more clarity on what traits and skills you want to grow within yourself.

5. How can I be more like those I admire?

List a few ideas and ways you can be more like the people you admire. For example, if you admire someone who is confident and does Instagram LIVE videos to promote their business, maybe this is something you should pursue that would bring you satisfaction and joy in your business.

6. How am I already demonstrating traits I admire?

It’s important to realize that people we admire are really just mirrors. We see in other people what we already have within ourselves. Take some time to recognize how you are already like the people you admire.

7. How do I define success?

The definition of success is a personal one for each and every one of us. One person’s definition of success may not be anything like yours. So, if you haven’t defined what your success looks like, then how will you know when you have found it?

8. What does self-care look like for me?

Self-care is something I practice each and every week. It helps me clear my mind and focus on the days when I am working.

9. What accomplishments am I proud of from last month?

Celebrate your big and small wins every time. You are your own cheerleader.

10. What is a short term goal I am certain I can achieve?

Making goals that are achievable, small, and short term are a sure-fire way to feel good. Keep up the good feeling momentum by creating and celebrating every accomplishment, big and small.

11. What does my ideal day look like? (ie. where are you? who are you with, and what are you doing?

Map out what your ideal day-to-day looks like. For me, I desire to wake up every day with only one thing to accomplish for business and the rest of the time would be for myself, family, and friends.

Knowing what your ideal day is will help you make better choices about new projects and ideas that you attempt to tackle.

12. What can I de-clutter physically or emotionally to find more ease and simplicity?

I find that when I clear my desk, I also clear my mind. Anything you can do to clear up and clean up the clutter around you will surely help you clear your mind too.


12 questions to help you find clarity

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