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Six Steps To Signing Your First Clients

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Congratulations! You’ve decided to start a new business, and you’ve been working hard to get everything in place. You’ve got a clever business name, a spiffy new logo, a killer website, and a cute office space complete with an IKEA pegboard. 

There’s only one thing missing…


First, if you’ve been looking to launch a signature offer, get clients, and do it with your content, you’ll want to register for my upcoming LIVE masterclass.

No doubt, the scariest part of launching a new business is wondering where those very first clients will come from. 

You may have all the pretty, shiny, businessy things lined up and ready to go, but a business without clients is really just an expensive hobby. 

Finding those first clients when you’re just getting your new business off the ground takes a little strategy and a lot of hard work. But after you secure those initial first few clients, they’ll start telling their biz friends about you, and before long, the clients will be knocking down your door!

So how do you start finding paying customers when your client roll is currently zero? 

In this post, I’ll be sharing my Six Steps To Snagging Clients For Your New Biz.

Put these steps into practice one at a time to begin securing those initial clients and laying the foundation for your new business. 

Step #1 — Find where your ideal client is hanging out online, so you can show up and be visible on those platforms

Do some digging to figure out if your most ideal clients are hanging out in Facebook groups, on Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest or elsewhere online. 

Then establish a presence in these spaces, concentrating on building relationships and adding value over marketing yourself and selling your services. 

How? If your ideal clients live on Facebook, start answering questions in their Facebook groups so they begin to notice your name popping up again and again. Add value and give advice, so they begin to see you as an expert.  

Be sure to link your business profile to your personal account so people can find your biz info. Also, make sure your website and a description of what you do is attached to your profile. You want all of your information to be just a click away for potential clients. 

Want to grow your following on Instagram organically? Check out this video here:


Step #2 — Speak and engage with your ideal client, and find out what their pain points really are in their business

In addition to helping people in groups on social media, be sure to listen to them. When potential clients are talking online, your ears should always perk up. See what topics they bring up again and again.

Ask your own questions as well! Use online platforms as venues for picking your ideal clients’ brains. Utilize polls and quizzes, present scenarios, and most importantly, really hear your IC when they address frustrations and concerns online. 

The easiest way to utilize polls and questions is trough your Instagram stories. Create stories which you can poll your audience on different topics, or get them to reply with answers to questions. This way you are getting to listen to your ideal client and boost engagement on social media. When you know the pain points of your ideal clients you can create content around these problems and build authority as a leader. It’s a win-win for everyone!


Step #3 — Get Active and Conduct Meaningful Social Interaction (MSI) on your own platforms

This strategy goes way beyond liking things on social media. It’s all about commenting, building connections, and engaging with meaningful interactions. 

On your own social accounts, actively encourage interaction and responses. Use your calls-to-action to ask your audience to leave comments, save posts, share with friends, or even ask them to DM you. 

Yes… you can ask for a DM! Just tell your audience what’s in it for them, and reward them for DMing. For instance, maybe you offer a special link, a coupon code, or a quick direct q&a with you.

When you take the time to create these personal interactions, they’ll benefit you two-fold.

  1. They build relationships with your audience.
  2. They signal your social platform’s algorithm to show your content to these people more frequently. 

It’s a win/win for your audience and your biz!


Here some example call to actions which can get your ideal clients to engage more with your content or to start sending you DM’s


Step # 4 — Create & share content that builds your brand and your authority

Content is king. When you break it down, there are really three types of content every business owner should be writing to grow their business: 

✅ content that builds your brand

✅ content that grows your audience

✅ content that converts and sells

The first type of content — content that builds your brand — is key to communicating your value and expertise to new, potential clients. Create different types of content that build up your brand so it will position you as an authority in your industry. This type of content can benefit your followers by teaching and educating them, can share your brand beliefs, and should tell your business story.

Step # 5 — Create a signature offer

Start by creating one irresistible offer to sell, then market the heck out of this offer to your ideal audience. 

If you want to be visible in your industry as an influencer, a signature offer is a must. You become known for that one offer, so clients who need it know you’re the place to get it! 

To choose the perfect signature offering, think about where your core strengths and your ideal client’s needs collide. Then create a step-by-step process to meet those needs in a brilliant way that gets results. (And be sure to communicate those amazing results on your website and on social media to build social proof!)

Step #6 — Sell

It seems obvious, but make sure you’re actually selling your services!

One of the most common avenues for selling, especially for new entrepreneurs, is a discovery call (or one-on-one sales call). This is your time to present yourself to your potential new client and to share with them what you do and how you’re unique. Most importantly, it’s time to position yourself as the answer to their problems and frustrations. 

In this call, you’ll focus on the outcomes you can deliver them with your offerings, and you’ll paint a picture of how they’ll feel when you take XYZ off their plate. 

To do this successfully, you need to be prepared. Before you schedule the call, have a clear understanding of who needs your help and what kind of help they really need. Then, when the time comes, don’t be afraid to sell yourself and your offerings as the solution. 

If you’re trying to start a business and find yourself staring wide-eyed at the computer, wondering how on earth you’ll get your first customers, I hope this step-by-step guide will empower you! It’s all about making the right connections and then turning those connections into clients.

Put the Six Steps To Snagging Clients For Your New Biz into practice and begin landing clients today!


What Next?

if you’ve been looking to launch a signature offer, get clients, and do it with your content, you’ll want to register for my upcoming LIVE masterclass.

Want to learn how to launch, get clients, and create revenue on repeat? Join the waitlist for the Level-Up Launch Accelerator


Level-Up Launch Accelerator Coming Soon

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  1. Paula on November 3, 2020 at 7:13 pm

    Great tips! It surprises me how many service based businesses forget to link their business on their Facebook profile! How will people know what you do?! Also, I wanted to add that the captions and templates in your membership have been so helpful to me! I avoided Social for most of the year (the pandemic drained me mentally) but they gave me the inspiration and motivation to get back out there! Thank you!

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