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How to create a pinned 3-Part seamless banner on Instagram

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How to make seamless banners on Instagram

Pinning a post to the top of your Instagram profile is a great way to get more eyes on your best content. In this guide, we’ll walk you through all of the steps of creating an effective 3 post Instagram banner and show you some examples of banners you can use to increase engagement.

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What is a pinned post on Instagram?

A pinned post is something you’ve chosen to stay pinned on the top on your profile, and it’s always visible to followers first. The pinned post will always be at the top of your profile—even if you have new content that’s been posted since then.

Pinned Instagram Banner Example

How do you pin a post on Instagram?

To pin a post on Instagram, tap the three dots icon in the top right corner of your post. Then, select Pin to Top from the drop-down menu and choose whether or not you want this post to be pinned permanently.

How to Pin a Post on Instagram to Make Banner Example

Pinning a post to the top of your Instagram profile is a great way to get more eyes on your best content.

This can be used to promote a new product or service. It’s also great for promoting a new blog post, or an article that you think other people would like to read.

If you’re thinking of doing this, make sure that you actually have some good pins! The last thing you want is for people who click on your profile and see nothing but boring articles that are weeks old with no engagement at all.

What is a 3 post Instagram Banner and how is it made? 

An Instagram banner is a collage of images that you can choose to display at the top of your profile. It’s a great way to showcase your best content and give people a reason to follow you.

You can also change the banner image from time to time, and as you gain more followers, it’ll be interesting for them see how things have evolved over time.

What Types of Banners can you pin to the top of your Instagram feed?

Here are some things to consider when choosing what type of banner to make or what to pin at the top of your Instagram Feed:

One Photo 

This is a great way to stand out and create beautiful design for your banner posts without having to mess around with graphics.

one photo seamless pinned instagram banner

Brand Name 

Make a banner that stands out and introduces your new followers to your brand. Put details about how to work with your in the caption.

name / brand name seamless pinned instagram banner

Welcome Banner

This helps introduce your new followers to your brand and give them a sense of what they can expect from you in the future.

welcome seamless pinned instagram banner

New Event Banner/Event Info

Share details for your next live, workshop or in person event and encourage sign ups in the captions!

Event seamless pinned instagram banner

Your Best Products

What a great way to introduce your audience to your best sellers.

Products seamless pinned instagram banner

Your Best Services

Give an overview of your packages and services.

 seamless pinned instagram banner

Your Best Lead Magnets / Freebies

Get signups to your email list with a banner that shares your best lead magnets and freebies.

lead magnet seamless pinned instagram banner

Your Best Customer Testimonials

Highlight your product and share social proof with customer testimonials.

Product Testimonials seamless pinned instagram banner


Launching a new product or having a sale? Make a promotional banner for it.

promotional seamless pinned instagram banner

Coming Soon Banner

Launching something soon or just getting started on Instagram? Posting a coming soon banner could be a great way to generate buzz and excitement.

Coming Soon Announcement seamless pinned instagram banner

Contact Info

Looking for more leads, make a banner that includes your contact info.

contact info seamless pinned instagram banner

How to Create a 3 post Instagram Banner

Using Canva, you’ll want to design an image that is on brand, using your fonts, colors and images. 

The image needs to be 3240 by 1080 pexels (that is 3240px width and 1080px height).

Download it from Canva as a PNG


Using an image splitting app, Split the image into 3 separate images

Once you’ve downloaded the banner, it will need to be split into three separate images. This app ( works well to split any image for Instagram into three separate posts. .


Use a templates to save yourself the time

Want to save time? Download these 3 free templates

Or get all 14 templates here

Instagram Banner Templates

Post all 3 images with captions

Remember you’ll likely want to post these in reverse order.  would also remember to add a caption like you would normally and related call to action for each post.

Pin in order to the top of your profile 

Click the three dots on the right top of all 3 of your your posts and select Pin to your profile.

How to Pin a Post on Instagram to Make Banner Example

I hope this helps you create a stunning banner to pin on your feed.. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!

What Next?

Want to learn more about content to help grow your business? Here are some more blog posts and tutorials about Video content:

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  1. Chasity Snow on June 23, 2023 at 9:52 am

    This was awesome. Thank you I finally got around to do this and I’m smiling so hard!

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