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How to create a content calendar for April
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Content creation can seem like a never-ending task which consumes your business life, I get it, I have been there. What I can tell you is that it doesn’t have to be a chore or drain your energy. Creating a content calendar for the month is an easy way to ensure you always have something to share with your audience.
To help you create a calendar full of content, I have taken some of the time-consuming research and completed this for you. Saving you hours of time and energy!
So, with spring officially in the air and metaphorical weight of content creation off your shoulders, now’s the time to get your April content prepared and organized. In order for maximum engagement create content that will engage and delight your audience, browse through the following list of social media post ideas, choose topics that will speak to your specific audience, and tweak them to vibe with your own brand message.
Browse through this list of social media post ideas, choose topics that will speak to your specific audience, and tweak them to vibe with your own brand message.
Easter will be celebrated this year in April, with it comes a sense of new beginnings, warmer weather, and LOTS of flowers.
A few general monthly theme ideas for April include:
- Easter, eggs, and bunnies
- Passover
- Going Green/Earth Day
- April Fools/Jokes
- Gardening
- Spring Cleaning
more themes to highlight that will resonate with your audience and provide motivation and encouragement.
- Autism Awareness Month
- National Garden Month
- Black Women’s History Month
- International Customer Loyalty Month
- Jazz Appreciation Month
- National Humor Month
- National Child Abuse Prevention Month
- National Card and Letter Writing Month
- National Poetry Month
These weekly observances can help you create a string of engaging posts for an entire week at a time:
- Laugh at Work Week (April 1-7)
- Money Smart Week (April 4-11)
- Holy Week, the week before Easter (April 5-11)
- National Bake Week (April 6-12)
- Passover (April 9-16; begins at sundown on April 8)
- National Volunteer Week (April 19-25)
- Administrative Professionals Week (April 20-24)
- World Immunization Week (April 24-30)
Here are just a few examples of images that can be found in the Ivory Mix membership which can be used for the holidays listed above. Click here to learn more about the Ivory Mix membership and join the VIP waitlist.
In addition to these general themes, April is packed with fun holidays and national observances — many of which are surprisingly timely as we stare this global crisis in the face. With a little creativity, your audience can observe these holidays at home as they practice social distancing throughout the month.
Use this complete list of April 2020 holidays to customize your social content calendar (and add some engaging, relevant hashtags to your posts as well!). For fun, mix several common holidays with a few obscure, oddball ones.
April Fools Day (1)
#AprilFools #aprilfoolsday #london #aprilfoolishness
National Peanut Butter & Jelly Day (2)
Find a Rainbow Day (3)
#FindARainbowDay #rainbowday #rainbow #rainbowcolors
World Health Day (7)
#LetsTalk #worldhealthday #worldhealthorganization #worldhealth
Step Into the Spotlight Day (8)
National Siblings Day (10)
#NationalSiblingsDay #siblingfun #siblingsaturday #lovemysiblings #siblingsgoals #siblingtime #siblingbonding #siblingselfie
Encourage a Young Writer Day (10)
National Pet Day (11)
#NationalPetDay #dogsofinstagram #dogmodel #doglover #instadog #petsofinstagram #dogoftheday #nationalpuppyday #furbaby
Easter (12)
#easter #easterbunny #spring #easterdecor #eastereggs #happyeaster #bunny #love #chocolate #easteregg #eastersunday #ostern #easterbasket #family
National Gardening Day (14)
National Stress Awareness Day (16)
#StressAwarenessDay #stressfreezone #stressrelief #stressreduction #stressreliever #stressbuster #stressfree #stressfix
Wear Your Pjamas to Work Day (16)
#PJDay #spiritweek #pijamaday #pijamasparty #pijamada #pijamaparty #pijamalovers #pajamaday #pijamatime #pijamastyle
Get to Know Your Customers Day (16)
#GetToKnowYourCustomersDay #gettoknowyou
National Look-A- like Day (20
#NationalLookAlikeDay #samedelasame #celeblookalike #celebritylookalike #lookalike #doppelganger #lookalikes #lookalikechallenge
Earth Day (22)
#EarthDay #nature #earth #climatechange #savetheplanet #worstprezever #thekeep #scienceisreal #theresistance #staywoke
National Picnic Day (23)
#NationalPicnicDay #picnic #nature #love #picnicfood #picnicday #fun #picnicdate #picnicstyle #picnicparty #food #family #instagood
World Book Day (23)
#WorldBookDay #bookday #bookstagram #booklover #bookish #instabook #podcast #best #moments #stories #marvel #comic #bookworm
National Administrative Professionals Day (30)
#AdministrativeProfessionalsDay #administrativeprofessional #administrativeassistant #virtualassistant #officeadministration #businessadministration #balance #goalsetting #workgoals #organization #administration #officelife #reposta #admin #consultant
International Dance Day (29) #InternationalDanceDay #nationaldanceday #dancelife #danceforeveryones
Now more than ever your audience needs to see you and know you’re in the boat with them, so keep posting and engaging! As you create fun, relevant content for your followers, you’ll bring a sense of normalcy to their lives in the midst of chaos — and right now that may be the most important service you can provide them.
Now that you’re armed and ready to create killer content for the month of April, don’t spend hours and hours slaving away at the keyboard. Learn my system for creating content 10x faster.
PLUS if you are a VIP member at the Ivory Mix you get access to our Canva templates. Simply place styled stock images from the Ivory Mix library and change the text in these pre-formatted and styled templates to create stunning social media content in a matter of minutes. Click here to learn more about the Ivory Mix membership and join the VIP waitlist.
If you are looking to make content creation easier, join a community of online business owners, have training and workshops at the click of a button, then be sure to join the Ivory Mix membership
What’s included in the membership?
- Access to 4500+ Styled Stock photos (and growing monthly)
- Social Quote Graphics
- Pre-written “fill-in-blank” Captions that convert
- Easy to use Canva Templates
- Workshops to help you grow
- Get more new content every month
- Create click-worthy Pinterest Pins
- Easily Batch Instagram content for more traffic
- A FREE bonus of unlimited access to all Ivory Mix online courses and trainings (a $800 value).

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