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vegan taquitos that even a lame cook can make – and they don’t suck
How well do you cook or bake? I’m not the greatest cook. There, I said it, and I may even go as far to say I can be pretty lame. I never claimed to be a chef and I have a history of burning things. It’s not because of lack of effort, it’s just that…
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vegan egg substitutes for your baking
One of the more challenging things to do as a vegan is learning what vegan egg substitutes to use in what recipes. My husband tried a number of times one weekend to bake brownies with just oil (yep – just oil) and failed – miserably – as you can guess. This happened because he (we) were not educated in what works when…
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Dinosaur bedroom ideas you can DIY for your little one
My kids are growing up and are now 11, 9, and 4 years old! It wont be long now before our oldest is in high school and driving. Time does fly.. I still remember when she was born and we decorated her nursery in an all care bear theme in soft pinks and blues. Now, she…
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new year’s resolutions for a new you
How did we ever get started on setting new year’s resolutions anyway? Now that presents are open and it’s the day after Christmas, the Malls and stores are filling up with gift card shoppers and people returning clothes that don’t fit. Ah, clothes that don’t fit.. it’s a common problem this time of year – isn’t it? It…

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