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How to style flatlays for marketing your blog on Instagram
Who doesn’t love a flat lay photo? It’s one of the most popular graphic images used today. You can see it used in commercials on TV, in DIY tutorials on YouTube or your Facebook feed, blog post graphics, Pinterest, and Instagram. First – Why the flat lay is great for marketing a blog on Instagram As…
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How to run a business with a full time job
Hustle and grind. “I dream it, I work hard, I grind ’til I own it.” If there are any other Beyonce fans out there, then you must know this lyric. If you dream of your blog becoming a business, then you have to work hard. Success in any field takes hard work and determination….
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How Pinterest and Sales Funnels will improve your blog income
Pinterest, again? I feel like a broken record sometimes when I write about the same topics, but it seems there’s always something new to share and more details to dive into. So, yes. . . we’re diving into Pinterest again but this time, it’s all about what to do with your traffic from Pinterest. Why…
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20 New Goals to Achieve This Year in Your Business and Blog
As we approach the new year, I know many of us business owners are going goal crazy. Thinking about what it is you want to accomplish next year that you didn’t get a chance at this year. It’s possible you took a whack at some of these things already and didn’t succeed, or its possible…

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