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5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals

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5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals

Achieving your goals is hardly an easy path for anyone. That’s why it is really important to know how to stay motivated when it comes to getting what we want in the long run. Especially as a blogger who hopes to turn their blog into a business.

It can be even harder today to stay focused, as we struggle with more distractions than ever before. If you need help staying motivated so that you may accomplish your goals, here are five ways to help you stay focused, motivated, and enthusiastic on the road to reaching your goals.

Visualize Your Goal

If you want to stay motivated in achieving your goals, you need to visualize it down to the most minute detail. You need to see it, feel it, and hear the sounds that accompany the end result. Many of the world’s most elite athletes will visualize their performance ahead of time, which gives them the motivation they need to reach their goal of being successful in their pursuits.

achieve your goals and stay motivated

Make a List of the Reasons You Want to Achieve the Goal

It is really easy to get blown off course in our busy and distracting world. This is why it is vital to ground yourself in your goal. Write down the reasons why you want to achieve a particular goal. Studies have shown that when we write by hand, manually connecting the letters, engages the brain more actively.

Break Down Your Goal into Smaller Steps

Break down your goal into the smallest practical steps that you can and then start tackling those steps one at a time. Studies have shown that with each little success that we experience, we trigger our brain’s reward center, which releases chemical dopamine. This helps to focus our concentration and inspires us to move forward.

Tap into the Energy of Others

When you start to feel tired, uninspired or are ready to give up, look at the people you have chosen to surround yourself with. As human beings, we give and receive energy and inspiration. It is essential to make sure that you are getting as much, if not more than you are giving out. To help you stay motivated, you need to surround yourself with positive people.

achieve your goals and stay motivated

Get Your Thoughts Organized

Nothing will zap your energy and motivation than an unorganized and cluttered mind. Talk through each of your thoughts and determine your desired outcome, figure out what you’ve done so far, and look at what your options are for moving forward.

Staying motivated in reaching your goals is in your reach. Keep your end goal in mind and remember to keep moving forward until you’ve reached your desired result.

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By joining the Dreamer. Planner. Doer. program, you will be able to explore who you are and what you really want at a fundamental level. It will provide tools and knowledge to assist you in achieving your own very unique definition of ‘success.’

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achieve your goals and stay motivated

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  1. Kimberly Camfield on July 20, 2018 at 6:04 am

    Amazing post! It’s really hard staying motivated nowadays, specially with the blog. Love your tips!
    Kissses from Brazil (i’m sorry if I wrote something wrong)

    • Kayla Butler on July 21, 2018 at 8:52 am

      Thank you Kimberly! Your writing and English is great. Even compared to those who speak English natively haha 😉

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