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Instagram Reels tips for Introverts
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Have you heard that getting on video and doing more Reels, IGTV videos or Instagram stories is a better strategy, but maybe you’re a little more introverted?
If you’re a little more introverted and maybe not sure if doing video is right for you, I want you to read this blog or watch this video ’cause I’m gonna give you some tips and tricks for how to show up more authentically on Reels, IGTV and stories, even if you are a little bit introverted.
Skip the read and watch the video instead!
Don’t use your face
So if you’re slightly introverted and you are wanting to get more active on Instagram, Reels, or video, then simply just don’t use your face.
You can do IGTVs, Reels, tutorials, or videos by using tools like Canva or doing voice over with video that doesn’t actually utilize your face.
Just try starting with something that’s a little more accessible and try not to use your face in the beginning, just so that you can sort of step your toes into video creation, without the worry of putting your face on camera.
Do a top-down video
This is the type of video where you’re just filming items on a table or using your hands to demonstrate something.
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Do a text-only type of video
Tools for creating text videos and reels. There are different tools you can use to do that, I recommend Canva is a good place to start, but if you’re feeling a little less like getting on camera, then don’t.
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Create Templates for yourself using Canva
Using the video templates from canva you can create a lot of text and graphic video templates for yourself.
- Create using canva templates
- Animate the text to 3-4 seconds long
- Add additional videos or audio (like voice overs)
- Download as an MP4
Here are 3 Tips for making each of your REEL’s Engaging
Step 1 – Try to have some kind of Intro/Hook – Start strong
- Capture your audience’s attention in the first 2 seconds – let them know what to expect and entice them to keep watching with a hook, headline, statement or question
Step 2 – Middle – Keep it moving
- Don’t let people get bored!
- If you’re creating graphics, the visual has to keep moving every 3-4 seconds
- If you’re doing a video, use short clips, add text to complement and cut out all fluff.
- Remember, 30 seconds is the limit, not the target. Some ideas can be really quick
Step 3 – Call to action – End with a call to action
- What do you want your audience to do once they’ve watched your reel?
- Follow for more? Comment something below? Like if they agree?
- The clearer you make the action the more likely people will take it.
Follow People who create Reels the way you want to create
Go find content creators who create Reels, without using their face. This will help you create a bank of inspiration, but also kind of a community of people who create content similar to you. And I don’t know about you, but it’s really nice to engage with other people, who share a similar style or maybe who can help inspire you. And so pick someone who may not be in your niche, but maybe creates content in a way that you really like and resonate with.
You can use their structure, but incorporate it within your niche and your topics. Find ways to be inspired without copying. Try your own tips and tricks, but their structure.
It helps to follow people outside of your niche. Follow the people who create content that feels aligned with your style and follow them for inspiration.
Where can you find inspiration and people to follow? You can find other Reels creator sunder Hashtags.
Here’s a quick way to easily come up with 50 Reels Ideas
Here are just a few ideas of reels you can get started with
- Think about the top 3 related topics in your niche
- Then name 10 things about each topic you could share a tutorial, tip, or resource list about (10 x 3 = 30)
- Then name one common myths, objections, or unknown secrets above each (10 x 1 = 10)
- Is there at least 1 client testimonial or personal wins you can share about each (10 x 1 = 10)
- We just came up with 50 post ideas
You can grab over 365 content ideas inside my easy marketing planner.
Batch create Reels to simplify your creation process
The next thing that’s really gonna help you, is to create some kind of a routine. When I feel a little overwhelmed with a new idea, what I like to do is just, batch it out, do as many as possible in one sitting, so that I just get it all out of my system, sort of figure out the process, and figure out how to do it, by trying to batch a few pieces of content at once.
And so this is kind of what I did when I started creating YouTube videos. And so if you’re just getting started with Reels, you could create a routine for yourself by saying, I’m gonna sit down and I’m gonna batch record for Reels in one day. Then once you’ve done that, you have one Reel that you can share every week during a month.
This will help you batch create everything at once and also help you create a routine, and routines help us become a little more comfortable with doing new things.
Post Reels and Engage when you’re feeling most energized
The next thing I recommend is just engaging and posting your Reels content when you’re feeling your highest energy. So if your highest energy is in the evening, then record your videos in the evening and engage with people on Instagram and your audience on Instagram, during the evening. That way you’re at your highest energy and you’re feeling a little more motivated. So whenever that time of day is for you, definitely lean into that.
Create a personal challenge
You might wanna create a challenge for yourself to:
- just get started
- do it in the lowest pressure way possible
- do your first four reels in one sitting
- Use this to get the practice done and improve your technique
Comment below this post, and let me know what the first step of your challenge will be? If you’re trying to be more active on Instagram with video, what’s one thing that you can do this month, to just try to be more active on Instagram?
Let go of perfection
Let the goal be that your Reels aren’t going to be perfect.
But the goal is, is that you will have completed four Reels. Then if you like them, you can post them, or if you don’t like them, you can delete them. But you’ve batch created four, you’ve practiced, you’ve seen what you liked, and what you didn’t like about doing it, and you can tweak the process, and that could be your challenge. Last but not least, find content creators, who create content, like you want to create content.
What Next?
Those are my recommendations for getting started on Reels when you are a little more introverted. It really can be done and can be done a little easier, I hope this has helped.
Now that you know more, I’ve got an easy marketing planner. with over 365 content ideas, so that you can create content faster and have a list of ideas, for different stories, that you can create on the platform, for various different things.

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