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How to Achieve Any Goal that You Create
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If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years, running this business of mine, it’s that creating goals is a challenge!
Tell me if you do this too but I find myself asking questions like “Is my goal too big? is it too small? Am I leaving money on the table? Who’s already accomplished this goal? What did they do? Am I good enough?”
Dang. So. Many. Thoughts and Obstacles!
What I have found is, there are massive differences between choosing your goals and actually accomplishing them… am I right?
For instance, when it comes to choosing my business goals for a new quarter, I used to include a bunch of hopeful goals, like “make a 7 figures in the next 6 months.” or “launch this online course and make 800k because that’s what she did.” But, I found that after months and months of trying wild things, listening to all the experts, and beating myself up over not accomplishing them, I just wasn’t reaching my own goals and that can be so defeating!
.. what’s crazier is that I was growing by leaps and bounds but not celebrating each milestone because I hadn’t reached THE BIG milestone.
Each milestone deserves to be rewarded. No matter how small it may look right now, it’s worth the pause and pat on the bacl.
Because of that, I’ve learned that in order to accomplish the goals that we have set for ourselves as small business owners, it’s far better to create a clear path of small goals that lead naturally to big success.
It’s great to shoot high and surround yourself with examples of success (like a business coach or a mastermind), but it’s also just as great to accomplish smaller more achievable goals and celebrate each one along the way!
Here are my 5 easy steps that you can take to accomplish any goal you create for your business or yourself.
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Step #1 – Make it Smaller
Sure, you may want to start out with big massive goals when first envisioning what you want. However, if you want any real chance of reaching your goals, then you’ll have to seriously change the huge goals, into smaller goals.
Take your big goals and create small goal benchmarks to work toward. You’ll find that the huge goal you’ve created for yourself turns into something easier and more achievable due to the fact you’ve created smaller, more manageable steps.
example: Your big goal might be to get 1000 email subscribers, but if you set your small goal to 50 subscribers, it’s far easier and more fun to work the goal and celebrate.
Step #2 – Make it Reasonable
A properly made goal should probably stretch you to the out of your comfort zone a bit, but not so far that it feels impossible.
For instance, I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t love to add a million dollars to their bank account this year, but if you’ve never been close before, you might be thinking “how exactly will I get there if I’ve never done it before?”
Seeing other people achieve our goals is encouraging, but when we can’t wrap our heads around exactly how someone did it, then the goal because more unreasonable and unachievable. So, you may have to start with a wide variety of more believable and smaller goals.
Once you start creating more practical goals, you’ll see how it can dissect big dreams into smaller bite-sized ones that help you learn and become better along the way.
Example: Going from 50k to 7-figures in revenue a year is a huge leap. But going from 50k to 100k a year may seem more doable.
Click here to join the FREE 90-Day Goals Challenge
Step #3 – Make it Known
To attain your goals, you’ll want to have the right cheerleaders on the journey. Start telling people who are supportive and care about your success with your goal and business. You’ll find that these are the people who will be there when you face challenges.
For the last few months, I’ve made it publically known that I am hiring more VA’s and am working on processes and procedures for the hiring process. Since sharing this goal publically, I’ve received countless words of advice and also suggestions of where I might find a good VA.
By shouting your goal from the rooftops, you also keep yourself responsible for the goals, which will ultimately help you reach them.
Step #4 – Make it Trackable
When goals are created into smaller benchmarks, it helps to create some milestones and occasions that have a cumulative effect on the big picture. For instance, if you want to grow your email list to a big goal of 1000 subscribers, but commit to the smaller goals of 50 subscribers a week, then write it down and track it!
One service that does this really well on one dashboard is called DATABOX. Tracking your goals will assist you in adding real measurable differences from where you were to were you are right now. Tracking your metrics and growth will let you to see how your reset goals at each of the small milestones that you’ve set.
Example: I regularly take screenshots of my email list growth and compare it to previous months/years. It helps me track if I’m on target. See below for an example of what I mean.
(Photo above from databox)
Click here to join the FREE 90-Day Goals Challenge
Step #5 – Make it Fun
Figure out a way to rejoice your victories. Make tracking the growth you make towards your goals exciting and meaningful. The extra joy you feel, the more successful you’ll be in accomplishing your goals.
The motivation for setting goals isn’t only to acquire them; it is about what you learn for the duration of the journey. Learn to enjoy all the steps along the way. Don’t just celebrate the destination but also make time to enjoy every step leading you there.
What Next?
Join us in smashing your first 90 Day Goals of the new year!
Join Me and Crystal in this group challenge we’re hosting NEXT WEEK (November 11th through November 15th) with bite-sized actions, LIVE video Q&A, training, and a proven plan for the first 90 days of 2020 and beyond!
Start Immediately (Right Now) with an actionable workbook
Join the Live community and support group for your goals on Facebook
Live Q&A and Training in November (access to replays)
???? Walk away with a clear 90-Day plan for success in 2020!

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