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5 Ways to Approach & Manage Social Media Like a Pro
Social media is modern technology’s answer to meeting at the local coffee shop and discussing the current events taking place in town that day. You have the opportunity to engage in casual conversations with your customers. That allows you to gain valuable insight into why they decide to do business with your company and how…
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Influencers of Colorful, Tech & Fitness Inspired Stock Photos (November 2016)
Stock Photo Influencers for November Just wow. I’m consistently amazed at how awesome it has been working with other bloggers and business owners. October was the beginning of the influencer program and this month was no short of another amazing month. I had the pleasure of working with 3 beautiful and inspiring women from 3…
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How to be peerless and exceptional in a sea of similarity and sameness
“Being unique is better than being perfect” There’s not much you aren’t capable of. Come on, don’t be shy. Look at you. You’re unique, with a valuable point of view, interesting life lessons to share, blossoming ideas, a business loaded with value . . . . . but for some reason you keep finding yourself comparing what you’ve…
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One Mistake You’re Making in Your Business (3 ways to fix it)
Do you love what you do? Do you like connecting with your audience one on one? Do you also love the fact that business is growing? What if I told you the potential is there for you to grow your business even more? But, you can’t do it alone. One mistake you’re making in your business….

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