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How to create your own brand logo in a weekend (DIY)
There are some big hurdles and milestones we cross when deciding to take the leap into entrepreneurship such as actually choosing a blog or business name, making sure the website, social media, and products are ready to go and creating a unique branded logo to sit on top of it all. Your brand-new logo is…
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Blog Post and Content Ideas When You’ve Hit Writers Block
This is really what you need…ideas! Where do you get the actual ideas for your content? When you’re off being creative doing what you love most, the actual content you need to drive traffic can sometimes take a backseat, doesn’t it? So, where do you go to get ideas when you have writer’s block? I…
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How to mock up a printable or product on stock photos (and add a shadow!)
Have ever felt stuck preparing a sales page, blog post, or social media post to promote your digital product? How did you create graphics and show people exactly what you are offering in your digital product? Many digital product creators don’t print out or physically make their creations just to take photos of them, which…
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The ultimate guide to branding for blogs and businesses
Chances are, you’ve already heard about the importance of building a trusted and unique brand. Words like “brand awareness” and “brand recognition” are often tossed around, and are synonymous with achieving success and gaining a strong foothold in your niche, especially when there are thousands of other blogs and businesses competing for your same audience’s…

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