Posts by Kayla Butler
19 Ways to use Facebook the right way and boost your income
For every big success story I hear about marketing on Facebook, I also hear several stories of, ‘Oh, I tried that, but it didn’t go anywhere so I gave up.” So does marketing on Facebook work? Without a doubt it does – Facebook is the most visited website in the world, and getting seen can…
Read MoreDon’t Ignore These Strategies For Selling Digital Products
The profits you make from selling a digital product can be quite large and the reason should be clear. In most cases, the overhead is very low. You do not need to pay for shipping, renting a retail space, packaging, and any other expense that comes with the sale of a physical product in a…
Read MoreAre you destroying your relationship with subscribers?
So many times, we tend to misuse or under valuable important tools and resources that could make our business grow. A typical example is your mailing list. So I ask, what does the mailing list mean to you? If you view your mailing list as a resource that you can use in order to promote…
Read MoreJuly 2017 – Desktop Wallpaper Download
July 2017 Desktop Wallpaper Calendar Having just come from Florida and the #BLOGHER17 conference, Palms and greenery are on my mind. I took lots of photos while in Orlando, some of the conference and all of the wonderful blogging people I met, however, I specifically took photos of the plant life, the sky, and the…
Read More4 Emails Your Reader Can’t Wait for You To Send
Getting ready to write an email to your list? Do You Know What Emails Your Reader Can’t Wait for You To Send Them? Kate lays it all out here.
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