Choosing your niche and business model


Do you feel like your business is not growing as fast as you’d like? You know that it’s time to pick a niche, but where do you start?

How do you know which business model is right for your niche? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with these questions, and it can be hard to find the answers. That’s why we are creating this workshop to help!

In this 60-minute video, Kayla will walk you through everything you need to know about picking a niche and a business model. She’ll show how to choose a niche that’s profitable and less competitive while still appealing to your target audience. You’ll learn how to pick a business model that fits your niche so that you can get the most out of every customer interaction. And she’ll even share his proven formula for choosing the right keywords for your new niche and business!

This is a pre-recorded workshop

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