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How to find an audience for your first digital product!
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(Hey you! If you’re new here, I want to make sure you have a chance to sign up for the FREE Guide to Making Blog Profits & Digital Products {Simplified}, it’s the most consistent system and approach to generating blog profits and shows you step-by-step, exactly how digital products have helped me create my full-time blog income)
So, are you seriously considering establishing a digital information product? If so, what a great idea! However, before you begin the process, it is very important for you to determine who your target audience will be, and what they need and are willing to pay for. As I am sure, you wouldn’t want to put in A TON OF efforts and time on anything that appeals to NO ONE.
Get clear on who your target audience is
So, your digital information product creation process should begin with knowing who your target audience will be. At this stage, your priority should not be on the type of the content you want to create or the topic, but rather, getting very clear on who makes up the buyer of your product and who your target audience is – their passion and motivating factors. This is because; the sustainability of your business will be rooted in the hands of these individuals, who on the whole, must WANT and LIKE your product and be willing to part with their hard earned money into it.
Start with your niche & find out what motivates your audience
The first step should be to categorize your exact niche. That is you should be very direct and specific on the type of digital information product that you are offering; unlike; weight loss, finance, or personal fitness niche.
For instance, it could be:
- Facebook marketing strategies for local businesses
- Low carb diets for post-menopause
- Ways of using personal budgets to get out debt
- Fitness for pregnant women
Remember, you don’t need or want to be everything to everyone
The central idea in all these is to make you stand out in your niche, which is, having a specific target audience and not creating a piece of content for everyone. You are guaranteed a better turnover provided you confine yourself to a specific target market. It will also assist in making your work much easier because you will know who your target audiences are what they care to know.
Get deeper into who your audience really is
The next is to truly identify your target market and the people that constitute it.
Who are these people?!
- What is their social stratum (age brackets, gender, and income level)?
- What’s their location?
- Their source of income and what they do for fun?
- What’s their favorite online platform?
- What do they consider their most insistent or imminent problem and in what way can you solve their problem?
Trust me;These are IMPORTANT questions that you need to ask. So, you need to take some time to find out more about your soon-to-be buyers.
Create an image of what your customer looks like (create an avatar)
Last, of all, you need to have a succinct image of the kind of client you want or better still, create an avatar in this sense. To do this, you need to be very thorough – as much as possible. Create an imaginary picture of the client along with the kind of character you crave for in your target audience.
With these steps, you can rest assured you are on your way to creating your first digital information product the RIGHT WAY!
More resources for you:
- 10 Ideas for Create Digital Products that Sell!
- How to Launch a Digital Product
- What TYPES of products to make? Written, audio, or video

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