
Hi, I'm Kayla Marie Butler, the CEO and founder of Ivorymix.com
I'm a former Designer turned entrepreneur.
I started Ivory Mix as a hobby in 2015 as a blog.
I've always had a single mission in life: to get paid to be creative and for 15 years I worked for other businesses as a designer, but never truly believed I could run a business of my own.
I discovered over the years that my zone of genius is 50% creativity and 50% strategy. This helped me quickly reach the top of my field, but also meant taking on more complex projects than just the creative design work I had dreamt of doing as a kid.
I found myself managing massive multi-million dollar projects, large teams of smart and creative people, and all with a corner office of my own. Although the work was rewarding and there were plenty of perks, it also came with lots of stress, less creativity, and many hours, nights, and weekends away from my family.
Working for someone else meant that I never truly owned my time and never got to define my own role. I was craving more creativity, less stress, and more time with my family - but how?
With 3 kids, a husband, a full career, and being the sole income of our household, I started to reach a point of burnout. Luckily, in 2015, I received a brand new camera for my birthday.
This new photography hobby was going to be my creative outlet.
I decided to leap into a new creative hobby (Ivory Mix) that quickly turned into much more.
In 2017, after a few years of working on this side-hustle, I quit my 15 year career as an Interior Designer to dedicate myself to helping other Creatives define their version of success and start and grow their online businesses with smart visual marketing.
After a few years, I had turned my hobby blog, Ivory Mix, into a multi six-figure business.
I've found myself doing exactly what I love helping over 40,000k members with stock photos, Canva Templates, workshops, courses, training's, and templates inside our membership to help you save time growing your online businesses.
I want to help you stay in your zone of genius with time-saving resources to level-up your impact on social media and start reaching your goals, fast!
Our membership and programs are designed to help you save time while we build your creative online business - together.
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