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14 Lessonsand 8 Videos!

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(Regularly $22)

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Add these video lessons to help walk you through your new eBook and Workbook with the EXACT STEPS to grow authentically.

- plus BONUS content-

Here are the lessons and curriculum inside this video course:

Instagram 1
Instagram 2
Instagram 3
Instagram 1

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Kayla - on Pink - about page

About Your Coach:

Kayla Butler is the Creative Director, Brand Photographer, and Founder of

Here to help bloggers and business owners, like you, take better care of your business and yourself, and realize that you can do this!

With the proper momentum, resources, and planning, all of your creative business ideas and plans can happen in symphony, and in a way that aligns with your ultimate goals.

It's Kayla's hope that you reach your dreams of success while she helps you maintain your purpose, your creative spark, and ultimate balance in life and business.

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